Sunday, March 14, 2010

Play To Your Strengths!

In the name of all that is Holy, I thank God for a job (even an internship) that plays to my strengths! Think about this: Does your current job/career consistently expect you to perform a job that is not within your skill set? Is your quality of life affected by these demands? What are you prepared to do to change your situation?

After one week on my new and shiny internship I'm still in pretty good shape. I can say I appreciate being appreciated. I know that sounds corny but I know that I work harder without complaining when everyone around me is working just as hard. I won't say they're not complaining...just that the job still gets done and the right way. Amazingly enough I have not one time been asked to do something outside of the spectrum of my capabilities and all the while being challenged to be as creative as possible. I don't even consider myself THAT creative...and if you know me I've probably said this a thousand times. Even still, I found myself inspired by the flexibility, approach to success, and shiny new job smell of my internship so I created. I assembled a new menu for this coming week to be used on our "Chop Salad" station complete with homemade dressings and the like! Outstanding! This 9 billion dollar company is letting me write a menu....and they're gonna use it! Do you know I once worked in one place for six months that was more concerned about the correct culinary terminology than they were about inspiring their employees. I of course have left that place and when I checked back the whole kitchen staff I worked with has since vacated the premises. Lesson learned. So, I ask the question again...does your current place of employment play to your strengths? If you know you don't want to do that job for the rest of your life, does the job at least give you tools to move on to the next step? What are you willing to give up for a better quality of life and a more fulfilled spirit?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How Deep Is Your Love?

Hello Everyone and Thank You! I have started this blog as a journal of sorts as I embark on a turning point in my career. As of Monday, March 8th I will be performing my internship as a peon in hopes of a future position in the promise land that is the corporate food service industry. This upcoming episode in paycheck humor prompted me to explore the question: Would you do your job for free? This would in turn mean if you answered yes that you are doing something you are truly passionate about. So, during the next 3 months of my internship I will be answering that question based on being paid a fraction of what my non intern co-workers will be earning. I will be delving into how deep a person's love has to be to willingly work for free or something very close to it. Would you do your job for free?