Thursday, March 4, 2010

How Deep Is Your Love?

Hello Everyone and Thank You! I have started this blog as a journal of sorts as I embark on a turning point in my career. As of Monday, March 8th I will be performing my internship as a peon in hopes of a future position in the promise land that is the corporate food service industry. This upcoming episode in paycheck humor prompted me to explore the question: Would you do your job for free? This would in turn mean if you answered yes that you are doing something you are truly passionate about. So, during the next 3 months of my internship I will be answering that question based on being paid a fraction of what my non intern co-workers will be earning. I will be delving into how deep a person's love has to be to willingly work for free or something very close to it. Would you do your job for free?


  1. I'm happy to report I probably would do my current job for free (but don't tell my boss!). My last job--not so much. Best wishes and got you added to my blog subscription list. I need to get back on mine!

  2. "You must trudge through the lowest valleys of life to reach the glorious mountian tops!"
